260 Acres in Hickman County

Status: Sold
Acres: 260 +/-
Type: Farms, Hunting Land, Recreational Land, Undeveloped Land, Business Opportunity
Address: 0 Cane Creek Road
City, State: Pleasantville, Tennessee
County: Hickman
ZIP Code: 37033
Lat/Long: 35.652494, -87.659356
Agent: John McEwen
Taxes: $2,443


Rare Offering in the Upper Cane Creek Valley! This outstanding property spans over 260+/- acres, boasting over 1,200 feet of pristine Cane Creek frontage. Explore the forested ridges, complete with scenic trails, and revel in the serenity of nature. The farm also features approximately 25 acres of creek side crop fields, offering a multitude of possibilities. With potential building sites located outside the FEMA flood zone, you can design your dream home in a secure and tranquil setting a stones throw from the creek. But that's not all! A wide valley, adorned with grown-up fields, stretches from the creek bottom, providing ample space to expand for gardens, wildlife food plots, or even a small grazing operation. Convenience is key, as the property is equipped with onsite electric, ensuring easy access to power. Additionally, high-speed internet is readily available through MLEC in Hohenwald, keeping you connected to the modern world while enjoying the beauty of your surroundings.

Interactive Map

Contact Broker

John McEwen

Email: john@healthydairyland.com

Phone: (931) 628-1749

Contact Agent

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