42 Acres in Perry County

Status: Under Contract
Price: $379,900
Acres: 42.6 +/-
Type: Hunting Land, Recreational Land, Residential Property, Single Family, Lot
Address: 3293 Highway 438 W
City, State: Linden, Tennessee
County: Perry
ZIP Code: 37096
Lat/Long: 35.729824, -87.867539
Agent: John McEwen
Dwelling Sq Ft: 1,380
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 2


Rare offering on Tom's Creek with all brick 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home and 42 +/- acres. Featuring over 1,000 feet of Tom's Creek frontage and 3+ acres of pasture, antique storage shed and storm shelter. Excellent property for a family wanting privacy and a moving a creek, garden areas, & forest land. Property is unrestricted and move in ready. Near Tennessee River and Buffalo Rivers.

Interactive Map

Contact Broker

John McEwen

Email: john@healthydairyland.com

Phone: (931) 628-1749

Contact Agent

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                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [32] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 991641
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-02-07T20:55:43+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-02-06T19:50:05+0000
                                    [mime_type] => image/jpeg
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => gallery-file
                                    [thumbnails] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                            [small] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [33] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 991643
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-02-07T20:55:44+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-02-06T19:50:05+0000
                                    [mime_type] => image/jpeg
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => gallery-file
                                    [thumbnails] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                            [small] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [34] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 991657
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-02-07T20:55:44+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-02-06T19:50:18+0000
                                    [mime_type] => image/jpeg
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => gallery-file
                                    [thumbnails] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                            [small] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [35] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 991651
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-02-07T20:55:44+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-02-06T19:50:10+0000
                                    [mime_type] => image/jpeg
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => gallery-file
                                    [thumbnails] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                            [small] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object




            [featured_gallery] => SimpleXMLElement Object

            [files] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [file] => Array
                            [0] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 991624
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-02-06T19:49:40+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-02-06T19:49:18+0000
                                    [mime_type] => application/pdf
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => listing-aerial-map
                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [1] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 991659
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-10-01T08:25:01+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-02-06T19:55:10+0000
                                    [mime_type] => application/pdf
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => listing-brochure
                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [2] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 991623
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-02-06T19:49:40+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-02-06T19:48:51+0000
                                    [mime_type] => application/pdf
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => listing-topo-map
                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object




            [documents] => SimpleXMLElement Object

