Ross Creek Landing Golf Course

Status: Available
Price: $5,900,000
Acres: 440 +/-
Type: Farms, Recreational Land, Commercial, Business Opportunity
Address: 110 Airport Rd
City, State: Clifton, Tennessee
County: Wayne
ZIP Code: 38425
Lat/Long: 35.388933, -87.972945
Agent: Anna Ballou
Taxes: $7,077
Dwelling Sq Ft: 4,300


Tucked away in an untouched corner of paradise, spanning a majestic 440+ acres, lies a golf lover's dream turned reality. Ross Creek Landing offers vast expanses of manicured greens framed by Tennessee's picturesque rolling hills, ensuring both privacy and boundless beauty. The 18-hole course is a Jack Nicklaus signature design! The clubhouse is completed by a beautiful bar, as well as a full restaurant-style kitchen. Beyond a golfer's paradise, its blend of sheer size, signature design and amenities, it beckons both avid golfers and those seeking the pinnacle of luxury real estate. This is more than a property; it's a legacy, an experience, a dream realized. For the discerning buyer who seeks nothing but the best, welcome to your personal Eden. Your tee time with destiny awaits.

Interactive Map

Contact Broker

Anna Ballou


Phone: (931) 626-5322

Contact Agent

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                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [32] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 1209193
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-08-18T15:16:04+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-08-18T15:15:49+0000
                                    [mime_type] => image/jpeg
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => gallery-file
                                    [thumbnails] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                            [small] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [33] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 1209194
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-08-18T15:15:50+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-08-18T15:15:49+0000
                                    [mime_type] => image/jpeg
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => gallery-file
                                    [thumbnails] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                            [small] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [34] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 1209195
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-08-18T15:16:04+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-08-18T15:15:49+0000
                                    [mime_type] => image/jpeg
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => gallery-file
                                    [thumbnails] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                            [small] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [35] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 1209198
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-08-18T15:16:04+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-08-18T15:15:50+0000
                                    [mime_type] => image/jpeg
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => gallery-file
                                    [thumbnails] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                            [small] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [36] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 1209199
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-08-18T15:16:04+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-08-18T15:15:50+0000
                                    [mime_type] => image/jpeg
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => gallery-file
                                    [thumbnails] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                            [small] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [37] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 1209201
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-08-18T15:16:04+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-08-18T15:15:51+0000
                                    [mime_type] => image/jpeg
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => gallery-file
                                    [thumbnails] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                            [small] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [38] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 1209200
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-08-18T15:15:51+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-08-18T15:15:50+0000
                                    [mime_type] => image/jpeg
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => gallery-file
                                    [thumbnails] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                            [small] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [39] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 1209208
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-08-18T15:16:04+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-08-18T15:15:53+0000
                                    [mime_type] => image/jpeg
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => gallery-file
                                    [thumbnails] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                            [small] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [40] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 1209202
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-08-18T15:16:04+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-08-18T15:15:51+0000
                                    [mime_type] => image/jpeg
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => gallery-file
                                    [thumbnails] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                            [small] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [41] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 1209205
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-08-18T15:16:04+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-08-18T15:15:52+0000
                                    [mime_type] => image/jpeg
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => gallery-file
                                    [thumbnails] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                            [small] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [42] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 1209209
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-08-18T15:16:04+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-08-18T15:15:53+0000
                                    [mime_type] => image/jpeg
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => gallery-file
                                    [thumbnails] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                            [small] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [43] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 1209203
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-08-18T15:16:04+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-08-18T15:15:51+0000
                                    [mime_type] => image/jpeg
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => gallery-file
                                    [thumbnails] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                            [small] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [44] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 1209204
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-08-18T15:16:04+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-08-18T15:15:52+0000
                                    [mime_type] => image/jpeg
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => gallery-file
                                    [thumbnails] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                            [small] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [45] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 1209207
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-08-18T15:16:04+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-08-18T15:15:53+0000
                                    [mime_type] => image/jpeg
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => gallery-file
                                    [thumbnails] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                            [small] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [46] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 1209206
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-08-18T15:15:53+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-08-18T15:15:53+0000
                                    [mime_type] => image/jpeg
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => gallery-file
                                    [thumbnails] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                            [small] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [47] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 1209210
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-08-18T15:16:04+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-08-18T15:15:53+0000
                                    [mime_type] => image/jpeg
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => gallery-file
                                    [thumbnails] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                            [small] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [48] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 1209211
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-08-18T15:15:54+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-08-18T15:15:54+0000
                                    [mime_type] => image/jpeg
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => gallery-file
                                    [thumbnails] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                            [small] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [49] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 1209215
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-08-18T15:16:04+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-08-18T15:15:55+0000
                                    [mime_type] => image/jpeg
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => gallery-file
                                    [thumbnails] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                            [small] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [50] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 1209212
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-08-18T15:15:54+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-08-18T15:15:54+0000
                                    [mime_type] => image/jpeg
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => gallery-file
                                    [thumbnails] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                            [small] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [51] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 1209219
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-08-18T15:16:04+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-08-18T15:15:56+0000
                                    [mime_type] => image/jpeg
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => gallery-file
                                    [thumbnails] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                            [small] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [52] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 1209214
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-08-18T15:15:55+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-08-18T15:15:55+0000
                                    [mime_type] => image/jpeg
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => gallery-file
                                    [thumbnails] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                            [small] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [53] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 1209213
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-08-18T15:16:04+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-08-18T15:15:54+0000
                                    [mime_type] => image/jpeg
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => gallery-file
                                    [thumbnails] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                            [small] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [54] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 1209217
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-08-18T15:16:04+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-08-18T15:15:55+0000
                                    [mime_type] => image/jpeg
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => gallery-file
                                    [thumbnails] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                            [small] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [55] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 1209218
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-08-18T15:16:04+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-08-18T15:15:56+0000
                                    [mime_type] => image/jpeg
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => gallery-file
                                    [thumbnails] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                            [small] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [56] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 1209216
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-08-18T15:16:04+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-08-18T15:15:55+0000
                                    [mime_type] => image/jpeg
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => gallery-file
                                    [thumbnails] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                            [small] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [57] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 1209227
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-08-18T15:16:04+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-08-18T15:16:00+0000
                                    [mime_type] => image/jpeg
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => gallery-file
                                    [thumbnails] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                            [small] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [58] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 1209222
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-08-18T15:16:04+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-08-18T15:15:57+0000
                                    [mime_type] => image/jpeg
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => gallery-file
                                    [thumbnails] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                            [small] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [59] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 1209221
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-08-18T15:16:04+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-08-18T15:15:57+0000
                                    [mime_type] => image/jpeg
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => gallery-file
                                    [thumbnails] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                            [small] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [60] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 1209220
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-08-18T15:16:04+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-08-18T15:15:56+0000
                                    [mime_type] => image/jpeg
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => gallery-file
                                    [thumbnails] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                            [small] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [61] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 1209224
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-08-18T15:16:04+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-08-18T15:15:57+0000
                                    [mime_type] => image/jpeg
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => gallery-file
                                    [thumbnails] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                            [small] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [62] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 1209226
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-08-18T15:16:04+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-08-18T15:16:00+0000
                                    [mime_type] => image/jpeg
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => gallery-file
                                    [thumbnails] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                            [small] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [63] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 1209223
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-08-18T15:16:04+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-08-18T15:15:57+0000
                                    [mime_type] => image/jpeg
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => gallery-file
                                    [thumbnails] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                            [small] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [64] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 1209225
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-08-18T15:16:04+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-08-18T15:15:58+0000
                                    [mime_type] => image/jpeg
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => gallery-file
                                    [thumbnails] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                            [small] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                            [65] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                    [id] => 1209228
                                    [last_modified] => 2023-08-18T15:16:02+0000
                                    [created] => 2023-08-18T15:16:02+0000
                                    [mime_type] => image/jpeg
                                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                    [type] => gallery-file
                                    [thumbnails] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                            [small] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [middle] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [big] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                                            [extra_big] => SimpleXMLElement Object


                                    [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object




            [featured_gallery] => SimpleXMLElement Object

            [files] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                    [file] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                            [id] => 1209229
                            [last_modified] => 2023-10-01T12:14:33+0000
                            [created] => 2023-08-18T15:20:13+0000
                            [mime_type] => application/pdf
                            [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                            [description] => SimpleXMLElement Object

                            [type] => listing-brochure
                            [download_url] => SimpleXMLElement Object



            [documents] => SimpleXMLElement Object


" class="hidden">晴空万里